Dienstag, 22. Dezember 2009

Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2009

Sonntag, 6. Dezember 2009

This years x-mas tree!

Ni chicha ni limoná

Lepidosiren paradoxa

Victor, my South American Lungfish has been vey active this morning. It took him 3 years to grow from 10cm to 40cm.

Samstag, 5. Dezember 2009

Animal furniture

Malaclemys terrapin terrapin

My new Northern Diamondback hatchling

Dienstag, 1. Dezember 2009

Freitag, 20. November 2009

Sonntag, 15. November 2009

Sonntag, 8. November 2009

Sonntag, 1. November 2009



Leading a Group of 30 people from Lower Austria and South Bohemia visiting the first cross-border hospital in Cerdanya. Here the group in Barcelona with the Catalan health minister Ms. Geli.

In front of the construction site in the Pyrenees.

Thomas & Michael

Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2009

Montag, 19. Oktober 2009

Opening: State Opera Cafe Vienna

What a nice event! Only some persons were missing...
Juan fell in love with the great piano player and jazz singer Donna.

Juan, Mario y su madre de Copacabana